隱私政策 Privacy Policy

O2 Pilates 絕對致力保障私隱,並全面執行及遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》的相關條文。

O2 Pilates is fully committed to protecting privacy and fully implements and complies with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

收集的個人資料 Personal Data Collected

O2 Pilates為了改進我們所提供的服務和產品,收集不同的信息;同時為每位註冊人提供獨特的個性化服務和產品。

O2 Pilates collects different information to help us improve the services and products we provide, and to offer each registered user unique personalized services and products.

當您與O2 Pilates簽訂用戶協議或在我們的網站上註冊時,我們會收集有關您的信息。

When you sign a user agreement with O2 Pilates or register on our website, we collect information about you.


You are not obligated to provide complete personal data. However, in order to provide our products and services to you, we require at least your name, phone number, email address, and Hong Kong ID card number.


We may also request additional information from you to better understand how to provide personalized services to you. It is entirely your choice whether or not to provide this information. In some cases, we may require specific information to continue providing the service, depending on your choice. Refusing to provide this necessary information may affect our ability to provide the requested service. In any case, we will notify you in advance when we need you to provide information. If you have an obligation to provide information before using our service, we will inform you in advance.

我們收集的信息類型 Types of Information We Collect

您的出勤記錄;您的購買歷史;您的姓名、地址、居住地址、手機號碼、辦公號碼、緊急聯繫人、緊急聯繫人號碼、電子郵件、國家、性別、婚姻狀況、身份證或護照號碼、頭像、職務、公司名稱和地址;您的信用卡詳細信息、付款詳細信息,包括付款類型;您的鍛煉行動計劃和目標;您可以在哪一年加入O2拉伸研究;您是如何聽說O2拉伸研究的;社區討論、通過我們網站的通信和發送給我們的通信;您與我們的網站、服務和內容互動的其他信息,包括計算機和連接信息、頁面瀏覽統計數據、網站流量、廣告數據、IP 地址和標準網絡日誌信息。

Your attendance records;Your purchase history;Your name, address, residential address, mobile number, office number, emergency contact, emergency contact number, email, country, gender, marital status, ID card or passport number, profile picture, job title, company name, and address;Your credit card details, payment details, including payment type;Your exercise action plan and goals;The year you joined O2 Stretch Lab;How you heard about O2 Stretch Lab;Community discussions, communications through our website, and communications sent to us;Other information about your interactions with our website, services, and content, including computer and connection information, page view statistics, site traffic, advertising data, IP address, and standard web log information.

我們使用您的個人信息 How We Use Your Personal Information


Process your applications and registrations;Process your contract updates and upgrades; Conduct market research and analysis; Direct marketing; Determine if you are eligible for discounts; Used for other relevant purposes.